Who We Are
Command Staff
Meet the Members of the Band
+ Benny Havens Band
+ Concert Band
MSG Torin Olsen, flute/piccolo
SSG Evan Curatolo
SSG Katrina Owens*
MSG Anna Pennington*
SFC Natalie Wren, oboe/English horn
MSG Cory Thompson SFC Kristen Mather de Andrade* SFC Erin Beaver SSG Julian Jenkins SSG Patrick Sikes SSG Kristina Teuschler SSG Abbey YoungBassoon
SFC Briana Hoffman* SSG Garrett BrownSaxophone
SGM Michael Reifenberg MSG Christopher Rettie SFC David Loy Song SSG Stacy Wilson*Trumpet
MSG Joshua Economy SFC Andrew Garcia* SSG Judy Gaunt SSG Bill Owens SSG Carl StanleyHorn
SFC Nicholas Caluori SFC Nicole Caluori* SSG Chris Hunter SSG Olivia MartinezTrombone
SSG Alaina Alster*
SSG Felix Padilla, bass
SSG Christopher Leslie* SSG Ada BrooksTuba
SSG Kevin Flanagan SSG Keith Kile*Percussion
SGM Eric Garcia MSG Nathan Eby SFC David Bergman* SFC Craig Bitterman SSG Theodore JacksonPiano
MSG Yalin ChiDouble Bass
SFC Phillip HelmGuitar
MSG Brandon NelsonVocalist
SSG Fancisco Aisporna+ Field Music "Hellcats"
+ Support Staff
SGM Brian Broelmann, Element Leader / Administration
SGM Carla Loy Song, Operations
SGM William Cuthbert, Senior Producer
MSG Brandie Lane, Senior Audio Engineer
SFC Ehrin Anthony, Supply
SSG Christopher Barnes, Audio Engineer
SSG Patrick O'Hara, Audio Engineer
+ West Point Brass Quintet