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Performances in History

A list of some notable VIP performances throughout the band’s history 

Throughout its over 200-year legacy, the West Point Band has performed for some incredible historical figures, including American leaders, and monarchs, dignitaries, and figureheads from across the globe. 

Particularly in the 19th century, the West Point Band's performances were regarded as better than anything else in the area. Boat tours on the Hudson River would bring the public to West Point, where they gave witness to the excellent music performed at each cadet formation and Academy event. When ambassadors and other figureheads visited West Point, the band was there to provide honors. Additionally, the band would travel to support events such as funerals, Inaugural Parades, and other important occasions. 

Below is a list of just some of those noteworthy (pun intended!) appearances. Those cited here are but a fraction of the major events the band has supported since 1817.  

Jun 1817
Performed for President James Monroe at West Point
Summer 1821
Marched to Boston and performed for President John Adams
Aug–Sep 1824
Supported the Marquis de Lafayette's return to America as his official band, performing on his boat while it traveled up the Hudson River to West Point. Also performed for West Point banquet honoring the Marquis, President James Monroe, and Vice President Daniel Tompkins 
24 Jun 1862
Performed community concert for President Abraham Lincoln at Cozzens Hotel in the rain 
04 Mar 1873
Marched at the Inaugural Parade for President Ulysses S. Grant, the first of 19 Inaugural Parades the band attended through the 20th Century
Performed at Brevet Major General George A. Custer's funeral
11 Feb 1891
Led the Corps of Cadets at General William T. Sherman’s funeral parade in New York City
Mar 1931
Performed for King Alfonso XIII of Spain at West Point
27 Aug 1934
Performed for President Franklin D. Roosevelt at West Point
15 Apr 1945
Performed at Franklin D. Roosevelt’s funeral in Hyde Park, New York
Performed Honor Guard for Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Doolittle, and Charles de Gaulle
26 Sep 1946
Performed Honor Guard for President Harry Truman at West Point
05 May 1947
Performed Honor Guard for President of Mexico, Miguel Aleman
Performed Honor Guard for the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah
Jun 1955
Performed Honor Guard for President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Performed for Vice President Richard Nixon and Queen Elizabeth II of England
14 Apr 1959
Performed Honor Guard for the King of Jordan, Hussein bin Talal
09 Jun 1960
Performed Honor Guard for Prince Philip of England
06 Jun 1962
Performed Honor Guard for President John F. Kennedy
Jun 1963
Supported Douglas MacArthur's Farewell at West Point
28 Oct 1987
Supported President Ronald Reagan's visit to West Point
05 Jan 1993
Supported President George H.W. Bush's visit to West Point
04 Oct 1995
Supported Pope John Paul II's arrival to the United States in Newark, New Jersey, where he was greeted by President Bill Clinton
11 Sep 1996
Supported reception for the King and Queen of Sweden in New York City
10 Apr 1997
Supported reception for the King and Queen of Spain in New York City
13 May 1998
Supported "Americares" 16th Anniversary Conference, hosted by former president George Bush aboard the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier museum
07 Sep 2000
Supported 55th Anniversary of the United Nationas at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, hosted by President Clinton
14 Oct 2003
Provided music at the Appeal to Conscience dinner, hosted by Prime Minister of Spain, His Excellency Jose Maria Aznar Lopez
15 Sep 2005
Provided musical support to the United States for the Foreign Policy Association’s Annual Luncheon, honoring President Aleksander Kwaśniewski of Poland
25 Sep 2018
Provided musical support at the United Nations General Assembly, hosted by United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. Guests include President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and close allies to the U.S.
16 Sep 2019
Performed Honor Guard for President of Georgia, Salome Zurabichvili at West Point